Towards an *enormous* solution
The *enormous* solution required to address humanity's *enormous* problems needs to be subdivided into manageable and economically viable steps. If desertification is the most visible side of the problem which itself leads to further problems, greening of deserts and desertified areas will be the most tangible and visible first step of the solution.
This website gives information on a few projects which seek to contribute significantly to greening deserts and stabilizing the climate. It also provides a space for companies and enterprises to introduce themselves and to highlight what they can do to contribute to one or more of the proposed projects. Instead of the originally planned page "Get involved", a facebook or linkedin page will probably be set up to allow linking of enterprises and organizations that are relevant to one or more of the proposed projects.
Humanity's *enormous* complex of interrelated problems and dangers
Humanity is confronted with an *enormous* complex of interrelated problems and dangers: increased CO2-levels; global heating; climate change, climate instability; deforestation, desertification; rising sea-levels; compulsory migration (for subsistence and economic reasons), etc., etc. ...
Creative Solutions for Water Shortages in Northwest Europe — and elsewhere
Fullarbor Project
Ice Water Production
Greening deserts together for a stable climate
The *enormous* complex of problems requires an *enormous* solution: greening of deserts and of desertified and arid areas through a substantial production of potable and irrigation water, which will result in binding excess CO2, in cooling large areas of the planet, in stabilizing the climate and in generating an avalanche of farming, forestry and other small and medium business opportunities. Several remarkable forestation projects have been carried out in recent years, with success, but on a limited scale and in dispersed places throughout the world, but forestation has not yet been planned on a sufficiently large scale to contribute significantly to climate stabilization.